Olaf Wieghorst
A Collection of Cover Art
from Hoofs and Horns Magazine

  Rakin 'im
October, 1938

About the Cover: by Ethel A. (Ma) Hopkins
Editor of Hoofs and Horns Magazine

The artist who made the cover for this issue hails from New York City. Olaf Wieghorst made the dry point etching of which this picture is a reproduction. Back in the '20s Mr. Wieghorst was a member of the Border Patrol along the International Border between the United States and Mexico. Later he cowboyed in New Mexico, finally went East and is now a mounted policeman in Central Park.

One of the prized possesssions of our office is another dry point etching of the head of his horse that he rides in the park. Into this picture the artist seems to have put all his love and understanding of horses.That picture can fairly talk for it shows so much intelligence and love and loyality between horse and master. Jack Kinney, Boss of the Tucson Rodeo, said when he saw it, "If I had a horse like that, I wouldn't care if I had any friends or not."

Presented By
Spidy Quality Publishing
Publishers of
"A Collectors Guide to the
Prints of Olaf Wieghorst"


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